Live slimming objectives

D-LAB slimming

Nariné gives you her expert advice:

Nariné, our dietician specialized in micronutrition, invites you to a live chat on weight loss, water retention and abdominal deflation.

Find out more about her advice on choosing the right cure for your slimming needs.

Discover the cures presented by Nariné

1. Fat burner




✔ Captures & burns fat 


✔ Eliminates sugars and fats


✔ Stimulates caloric expenditure


✔ Accelerates weight loss

2. Action-Capitons

✔ Drains excess water

✔Firms buttocks & thighs

✔ Boosts blood circulation

✔ Burns fat

3. Belly-flat

✔ Hormonal & nervous balance

✔Abdominal swelling

✔Combustion of sugars & fats

✔Gut well-being

4. Pro-Collagen Slimming

Anti-cellulite action


Drains the body


✔ Powerful anti-sugar


Clinically proven effectiveness

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