How collagen can support joints and muscles

collagen muscles

Le collagène, souvent évoqué pour son rôle primordial dans la jeunesse et l'élasticité de notre peau, a bien plus à offrir que de simples avantages esthétiques. 

Cette protéine essentielle, qui compose une grande partie de notre tissu conjonctif, se trouve au cœur de la structure et de la fonction de nos articulations et muscles. 

Face à des défis tels que l'âge avançant, les activités physiques intenses ou même les blessures, la capacité de notre corps à maintenir et à produire du collagène est mise à l'épreuve, influençant directement la santé de nos articulations et muscles. 

Dans cet article, nous explorerons en profondeur comment le collagen agit comme un pilier de soutien pour ces systèmes essentiels, et comment assurer une supplémentation adéquate en collagène peut conduire à une meilleure mobilité, force et bien-être général.

What is collagen?

Collagenoften called the "glue" of our body, is the most abundant protein in our organism. It forms the main structure of our skin, hair, nails, bones, tendons, ligaments and many other tissues. Think of it as the sturdy latticework that holds together a flowering garden, giving shape and support. But collagen doesn't just play a structural role. It also ensures skin elasticity and regeneration, and acts as a lubricant for our joints, helping them to move without pain. Over time, our natural production of collagen diminishes, which can lead to various signs of aging such as wrinkles and joint pain. This is why so many people turn to collagen-based supplements and skincare products to revitalize and restore their inner and outer youthfulness.


Collagen is a complex fibrous protein that forms the main component of connective tissue in the human body. It is the most abundant protein, representing around 25% to 35% of all body proteins. It plays an essential role in the structuring of many tissues, such as skin, bones, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels.

Collagen: a pillar for our joints

When it comes to joint healthcollagen emerges as a true silent star. This robust protein, naturally present in our bodies, acts like a framework for our joints. Think of it as a suspension bridge that binds bones together, providing both strength and flexibility. Every time we run, jump or even walk, it's largely thanks to collagen that our joints function painlessly and with ease.


 Over time, however, our body's natural production of collagen tends to diminish, putting a strain on our joints. It's this degradation that, for many of us, can lead to pain and discomfort. Incorporating a collagen-focused skincare routine can be a wise strategy for anyone wishing to preserve the vigour and mobility of their joints throughout life.

collagen muscles

Collagen's silent role in muscle support

Although most discussions about collagen focus on the beauty of skin and the health of joints, its key role in muscle support often remains in the shadows. Collagen, this valuable structural protein, is one of the main components of tendons and ligaments, the connective tissues that link muscles to bones and bones to bones, respectively. 

By providing strength and elasticity to these structures, collagen ensures fluid mobility and the coordination of our movements. 


What's more, it plays an active role in muscle regeneration, particularly after intense exercise or injury. Thanks to collagen, our muscles repair and strengthen themselves. So, although silent in its action, collagen is the essential pillar of muscular health and function. Without it, our ability to move, react and even recover would be severely compromised.

Why increase your collagen intake?

There are several reasons for wanting to increase your collagen intake:


  • For those who want to improve their sporting performance and speed up recovery between two sports sessions.
  • For those returning to sport after injury or stoppage.
  • For those who want to improve their mobility, range of motion and flexibility.


  • For the elderly who want to relieve their joints.

How can we boost our collagen intake?

As we age, our body's natural production of collagen begins to slow down, leading to visible signs of aging and reduced joint and muscle function. Fortunately, there are several ways we can increase our collagen intake to offset this decline.


Firstly, diet plays a crucial role: eating bone broth, omega-3-rich fish and foods rich in vitamin C can stimulate collagen production.


Food remains a preferred route for boosting our intake of collagen, the precious protein that confers elasticity and strength to skin, joints and tendons. For a start, long-simmered bone broths are a direct source of collagen, offering not only the protein itself but also other nutrients essential to its synthesis. Fish, especially fish skin, is also an excellent source of collagen.


 Secondly, incorporating foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, red peppers and berries, can stimulate the body's natural production of collagen. Similarly, eggs, and more specifically egg whites, provide the amino acids needed for collagen production.

 Finally, sulphur-rich garlic plays a crucial role in preventing collagen degradation.


 By diversifying your diet with these ingredients, you can effectively support and increase your collagen intake.

D-LAB beauty supplements:

Collagen, an essential protein in our bodies, maintains the structure and resilience of skin, joints, bones, tendons and many other connective tissues.

Année après année, nous perdons de ce précieux collagène aux actions protectrices

The Pro-Collagen Supplenessrich in active ingredients, ensuresintegral protection for joints and bonesthus promoting proper muscle function. It is ideal for those looking to boost their sporting performance and for those in rehabilitation phase after an injury or tear. Oligopeptides from collagen type I and III act comprehensively on the  skins, the tendonss, the ligamentss, the muscles and vessels blood. With their high digestibility and combination with vitamin Cthey boost collagen production in these specific areas of the body.

D-LAB beauty food supplement Pro-Collagen Suppleness

En apporter agit sur la stimulation de synthèse nouvelle de collagène, de types I et III dans ce cas, et optimiser leur régénération. Il va permettre de diminuer certaines douleurs articulaires et éviter les blessures, notamment liées à l'activité physique. 


As an added bonus, it also improves skin firmness and elasticity!

Its strengths:


  • A combination of fully-assimilable marine collagen (type I and III) and vitamin C for 360° action on collagen synthesis.


  • A patented extract of verbena with clinical studies proving its benefits on joints.


  • For preventive action and to reduce joint pain during sports sessions.

Discover the entire Pro-Collagen collection:

To conclude

Collagen, a protein essential to our bodies, plays a crucial role in supporting many tissues, from skin to joints. With age, the natural production of this precious protein diminishes, making external intervention necessary to compensate for this deficiency. Thanks to a rich, well-targeted diet, combined with high-quality food supplements such as those offered by D-LAB, we can support and reinforce our collagen intake. Investing in collagen means investing in the health, vitality and beauty of our bodies, guaranteeing long-lasting mobility, radiant skin and general well-being.