Coconut-flavored collagen yogurt

D-LAB coconut collagen yogurt

Get ready to discover a delicious yoghurt in harmony between body care and gustatory pleasure, thanks to our recipe for coconut-flavoured collagen yoghurt.

This simple yet refined preparation is designed for those seeking to combine the skin and digestive benefits of collagen with the exotic delights of coconut.

Don't wait any longer to make this delicious dessert that will take care of your inner and outer beauty.with our Pro-Collagen Digestion.


  • Fresh fruit in season


  1. Pour the contents of your plain yoghurt into a bowl.

  1. Pour a tablespoon of Pro-Collagen Digestion with its delicious coconut flavour over your yoghurt and stir.

  1. Add fresh seasonal fruit to the top, and it's ready!

D-LAB Coconut Collagen Latte

Focus on the cure:

This composition promotes digestion while reducing intestinal problems thanks to a combination of prebiotics and probiotics. Enriched with enzymes to break down proteins and L-Glutamine to reinforce the integrity of the intestinal wall, the Pro-Collagen Digestion supports the mucosa's protective barrier, helping to improve nutrient absorption, regulate intestinal transit and enhance overall well-being.

D-LAB beauty supplements Pro-Collagen 0Digestion

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