Detox smoothie with Pro-Collagen Digestion powder

D-LAB Smoothie Pro-Collagen Digestion

Discover our latest detox smoothie recipe with our powder Pro-Collagen Digestion.

A harmonious combination of natural and beneficial ingredients, this drink refreshing offer a genuine revitalizing cure to eliminate accumulated toxins and restore internal balance.

Don't wait any longer to make this ultra-healthy and delicious smoothie.

Recipe and video by @damlasdesserts


  • 1 kiwi

  • 1 banana

  • Juice of 1/2 lime

  • 1 tablespoon Pro-Collagen Digestion

  • Plant milk: dose according to the texture you prefer 

  • Ice cubes of your choice


  1. In a blender, combine all the ingredients and the ice cubes (if you want to keep it cold).


2. Blend until smooth.


3. Pour into a glass and enjoy immediately!

Focus on the cure:

Pro-Collagen Digestion powder aids digestion and helps limit intestinal discomfort thanks to a combination of prebiotics and probiotics. Its effectiveness is clinically proven 

D-LAB beauty supplements Pro-Collagen Digestion

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