Menstruation and menopause: how to cope with the female cycle?

menstruation and menopause: how to live the female cycle well?

From puberty to menopause, the female cycle is punctuated daily by fluctuations in hormones that impact our emotions, our behavior and our body. 

During and before menstruation, 80% of women experience physical and emotional signs of varying intensity. On the other hand, during menopause, the reproductive system slows down and cycles become irregular. This period is often accompanied by troublesome symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness or irritability.   

At D-LAB, we are aware of these changes and we want every woman to be able to live her cycle with peace of mind. This is why we have developed the Hormonal Balance ComplexA 100% vegan formula that acts on the physical and psychological well-being of the woman, whatever her period of life.

Thanks to innovative active ingredients, this unique complex helps regulate female cycles and targets symptoms related to premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

In this article, find all our advice to live well your menstrual cycle, from puberty to menopause.

The menstrual cycle

A woman's life is punctuated by her menstrual cycle, but few of us know all the subtleties of it.

Pourtant, la compréhension de ce dernier nous permettrait de mieux gérer l’ensemble des problématiques liées au cycle féminin à savoir les symptômes prémenstruels et menstruels, la fertilité, la ménopause, les variations de l’état de notre peau et de nos cheveux etc.

Le cycle menstruel est un mécanisme biologique pendant lequel s’enchaîne la sécrétion de différentes hormones dans l’organisme afin de préparer chaque mois l’utérus à une possible grossesse. Il commence dès la puberté et prend fin avec la ménopause.

Il évolue en continu pendant 4 semaines, avec une durée moyenne de 28 jours et se compose de plusieurs phases en fonction des fluctuations d’œstrogène et de progestérone. Ces variations hormonales ont un impact sur l’humeur, la morphologie mais aussi l’aspect de la peau et des cheveux et sont souvent liées à certains troubles comme l’acné hormonale ou les crampes menstruelles.

Le syndrome prémenstruel (PMS) est un terme utilisé pour décrire les symptômes ressentis par les femmes pendant la seconde moitié de leur cycle menstruel. On estime que près de 75 % des femmes présentent chaque mois un ou plusieurs de ces symptômes. Chez la plupart des femmes, les symptômes ne provoquent qu’une gêne légère à modérée, mais dans certains cas, le syndrome peut être très gênant.

These may include the following symptoms:

  • sore breasts
  • abdominal cramps
  • oily skin and acne
  • anxiety and depression
  • headaches
  • fatigue
  • irritability and aggressiveness
  • bloating
  • cravings

PMS is your body's response to changes in hormone levels associated with your menstrual cycle.


Menopause is the period in a woman's life when her periods stop permanently. It generally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 and usually around the age of 50. 

It is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the ovaries stop their hormonal secretion (estrogen and progesterone) and the formation of an ovum each month. Menopause is said to be truly "installed" when menstruation has been absent for one year.

Menopause is a process. For most women, menstruation does not stop immediately, but gradually decreases over several years. 

Deux ou trois ans avant la ménopause, la femme entre en périménopause : les ovaires sécrètent de moins en moins d'hormones et libèrent les ovules de manière irrégulière. Pendant cette période, les menstruations sont irrégulières et le taux de fécondité chute.


The symptoms of menopause are due to the hormonal deficiency in estrogen and progesterone associated with the cessation of ovarian function.

These disorders are:

  • hot flashes
  • vaginal dryness
  • skin aging
  • night sweats and insomnia
  • urinary disorders
  • headaches, fatigue and irritability
  • joint pain
  • decreased libido

Some problems, such as hot flashes or fatigue, may be transitory, but sometimes persist during menopause. Others are long-lasting, such as vaginal dryness and urinary problems.

How to live your cycle well?

There are several ways to relieve your PMS symptoms. 

1 - Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Your diet impacts the intensity of PMS. Drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet are among the simplest things that have been shown to be effective. Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, and reduce your intake of salt, sugar and processed foods. Be careful what you drink and avoid irritating acidifying drinks such as alcohol, coffee, soft drinks and other stimulants.

Regular exercise can also help, mainly because exercise lowers stress and tension and affects your mood.

2 - Utiliser les huiles essentielles

In premenstrual period, one can use essential oils in massage of the chest, to relieve mammary tensions, and of the lower abdomen, to reduce the painful feelings of pelvic congestion, bloating, elongations. They act locally, but also, for some of them, more deeply on a neuro-endocrine axis, like rosemary essential oil.

To relieve the common discomforts of menopause, such as restless nights, insomnia or mood swings, you can use essential oils with soothing properties like chamomile, basil, lemon balm or clary sage. Either by pouring a few drops in a spoon of honey, or in a diffuser in your room for example.

3 - Choisir des compléments alimentaires adaptés

Rich in vitamins, omega 3, minerals and phytotherapy, food supplements are ideal to relieve the inconveniences of the menstrual cycle. 

With the Positive Femininity Duo, we bring an innovative and natural solution to target the symptoms related to premenstrual syndrome and menopause. Thanks to innovative active ingredients, this formula acts on the physical and psychological well-being of the woman, whatever her period of life.

The  Stress Relief Complex combines targeted mushrooms and powerful adaptogenic plants to help the body adapt to various stresses. It soothes nervous tension, promotes relaxation and fights against sleep disorders.

  • eschscholtzia extract organic promotes relaxation, helps reduce stress-related symptoms and facilitates sleep and restful sleep.
  • Our lion's mane extractThis product, 4 times more concentrated in active ingredients than the whole mushroom, is recognized for its benefits on stress, fatigue and nervous tension.
  • ,extract of schisandra chinensis helps fight sleep disorders and promotes deep sleep.

The  Hormonal Balance Complex has been specifically formulated for the well-being of women during their menstrual cycle. Composed of vitamins, minerals and phytotherapy, its formula regulates hormonal changes and reduces inflammation. It thus relieves the inconveniences related to the premenstrual syndrome, such as the pains, the cramps, tiredness, irritability or the headaches. This food supplement can also relieve pain related to endometriosis.  

The Female Cycle Complex also helps combat menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, or vaginal dryness. This formula works in depth by regulating sebum to reduce hormonal acne and greasy hair that can occur during the post-ovulatory and pre-menstrual weeks. 

  •  centifolia rose helps maintain a comfortable menstrual cycle, alleviates premenstrual syndrome and supports ovulation and fertility
  • The  marine magnesium prevents the increase of the stress hormone cortisol to reduce the anxiety and irritability associated with PMS.
  • The  myo-inositol acts on serotonin, the happiness hormone, to promote good mood. It also improves insulin resistance to regulate weight gain during menstruation.
  • yarrow extract has a sedative action on the uterus and ovaries to soothe periodic abdominal cramps.